Metaphysical Consciousness Healing for Source Harmonization

Our purpose

At Primordial Sanctuary, we specialize in high metaphysical and multidimensional work, on all levels of consciousness within this time matrix. The sessions we facilitate are all metaphysical and energetic in nature. We believe that our Source guidance and facilitation brings in new calibrations and alterations of high frequency knowledge that progressively shift the consciousness out of distortion fields and recode the frequencies immune to artificial matrixes.

As primordial emissaries, our mission is to bring forth the Primordial Source knowledge and assist with the consciousness evolution of humanity.

Sessions & Programs

The energetic and metaphysical compounds which make the environment and process of our programs and session aim to provide organic and harmonious consciousness healings, recoding and resets in order for direct Source Harmonization to be possible on both an individual level and a connected-collective family of consciousness.

Starseeds & Energy Work

Our starseed activations are much more than ‘activations’. As with all our sessions, we aim to metaphysically resolve distortions at multiple levels of the consciousness each time we engage in a session. This is due to our immense respect for the harmonic expression of Source and harmonic life as well.

Our approach facilitates beyond the activation of Starseed knowledge into the repair and healing of the energy memory of the entirety of the starseed race as well. Harmonious integration is also an important part of all our sessions.

Advanced Alignments

This section is designed especially for those who are already advanced within their healing and alignment journeys. The services presented here are high-end metaphysical and energy processes which are best advised to be accessed with previous conscious work.

All the services presented in this category can be accessed based on a direct dialogue with us. Please use the contact page to reach out and discuss more about these high alignments.

Source Energy Retreats

During our intensive retreats, we aim to help you shift your consciousness from limitations and distortions, into the Source Harmonic existence.