Primordial Sanctuary Retreats

Heal your Consciousness within our Source Energy Retreats

15 Dimensional Harmonization of Consciousness

The human consciousness is a multidimensional existence within this time matrix. As Souls, we are here for different purposes, missions and life voyages. In order for all the aspects of human life to be harmonious, we ourselves as consciousness need to be harmonious.

The definition of harmony is not a human one, but a Source one. The Source Harmonics transcend limitations, suffering, pain and struggles, as they are merely distorted aspects of existence and not the original blueprint as generated by Source.

Our Retreats

  • Within our Sacred Ceremonies you will be put in contact with Source Energy. Supported by Source Consciousness you will be able to heal, transcend and remember.

  • High metaphysical and energetic work are key components of the processes of harmonization of consciousness.

  • Receiving knowledge, both in pure energetic form and through facilitation channeling will anchor the frequencies of harmony within your consciousness. You will remember yourself as a divine being and open the true possibilities of your eternal life.

  • Safety of consciousness is one of our main focuses, as we truly understand that not all is harmonic here. All healing, transformation and expansion is being facilitated with outmost respect for a safe and harmonious development.

Source Harmonics

Within our Retreats you will be supported, guided and assisted to renounce limitations, blockages and distortions on all levels of your consciousness. By going through the sacred processes of Source healing and metamorphosis, you will once again step into the Source Harmonics and develop your life within harmony.

We look forward to seeing you at our next retreat!