Consciousness Support & Assistance - Primordial Sanctuary
When it comes to consciousness evolution, start big and continue big.
We are firm believers that harmonious evolution of consciousness is not only a possibility, but the original blueprint of creation. We are here to support, guide, assist and help you reach Source Harmonics within your own individual consciousness.
You are a 15 dimensional being in this time matrix. Without the understanding of your complexity, evolution will always be subjected to small-minded limitations. Start big. Continue big.
My name is Victor Rosca. I am a primordial soul, coming directly from the Primordial Fields of Pure Consciousness as expressed by Source Zero; beyond the individuality of Source One (seen as the unitary field of Light-Sound consciousness mechanics).
My purpose on this Earth is support and help brought to humanity in order to receive options and harmonizations during this stage of transformation. The whole time matrix is shifting already - from the founder races, to the metaconsciousnesses that designed this multiverse, to each and every soul-race and density level. The shift has already begun. This time matrix is being shifted within the 5-Matrix-Family of multiverses, with direct participation of Primordial Source.
The mechanics and technologies that have been used both for fall systems and ascension systems are shifting as well, as new permutations are being introduced within the micro-sequences of the matrix design.
For those who are interested in aligning with the newly introduced frequencies of alignment, opening their choice to move throughout the multiverse with ease and Source direct support, as well as returning into the Source harmonics, I am here to assist, guide and help with direct participation in the forms or metaphysical and energetic upgrades and calibrations.
Together with my guides, metaconsciousnesses and direct Primordial Source generations of plenary fields of consciousness, we are here to support you in this time of consciousness harmonic shift.