Angelic Seed Activation COMING SOON |
Angelic Seed Activation COMING SOON |
As human beings, we hold the angelic heritage. Most, if not all of the races within this time matrix have been seeded through the angelic races of beings.
The key components regarding Soul identities and multidimensional energy fields are all connected to the angelic blueprint. Within the existence of time within this time matrix, which holds the multiverse of densities of energies, the angelic races and their seedings have gone through countless experiences in their pursuit of experimentation, development of mechanisms and knowledge. Not all experiences were harmonic. Regardless of the type of experiences races have been through, the energetic memory of these events are stored within the aspects of consciousness for all races and beings within this multiverse.
The Source Angelic Seed Activation is the return to Source Harmonics of the energetic history held by all civilizations, including human beings. With the participation of Source, we will receive the harmonic codes and resolutions for the metaphysical 15 dimensional calibrations of the angelic lines. These sequences of consciousness are being held both at individual levels (individual human beings for example) and collective levels as well (human collective, galactic collective, metaconsciousnesses etc.).
Activating and Harmonizing the Source Angelic Seed brings plenary resolutions, healings and metaphysical recalibrations on all aspects of consciousness, while bringing the organic structure back into Source generated harmonics.
As a healer, your own harmonization on a 15 dimensional level will bring in more knowledge, awareness and capacity to your own type of healing facilitation.
During the 2 days event, we will dwelve into our angelic heritage while undergoing energetic and metaphysical pathways in order to heal ourselves and our ancestry, both on an individual level and a collective level as well. Through the complex processes, you will be supported, guided and helped to make the necessary leaps of consciousness within your own personal matrix field, and return your existence step by step into the Source Harmonics.
The event will be held online, through video-call, starting on the 12th of January at 8 pm (lasting for a period of 2 hours) and reconvening on the 13th of January at 8 pm (lasting for a period of 2 hours). The sleep cycle you will have in between the two sessions will help you stabilize and integrate the shifts, in order for this wonderful plenary event to reach harmonization within yourself as a divine being.
Event: 2 sessions (2-3h each) - 2 days (12-13 January 2025) - online
The knowledge, introspection and assistance you will receive during this event will completely shift your perception of self, soul family and grounding, as you will become more harmonic with the true emanation frequencies of Source. You will become aware of your angelic heritage and guidance and will be able to remain within your harmonic angelic council long after the event is over, as a useful participation of guidance and evolution throughout your human lifetime and beyond.
The Angelic aspects of yourself will become alive once more, and you will be supported in healing the history you hold deep within your DNA and energy field, as well. Becoming angelically harmonic will shift your life and bring important elements of your Soul Mission into awareness. The resolution of distortions and energetic anomalies within your personal energetic matrix is also an important part of this event, as you will be helped to overcome such aspects without conflict and traumatic responses.
Shifting into the harmonics of your existence, as a direct descendent of the first angelic races is now available to you in harmony.