Soul Harmonic Blueprint Activation


Our Souls are the core essence of our consciousness in human form. As Souls, we are expressions of the essence we have individualized from Source. 

Throughout our existence through time and space we may have had different lifetimes, different incarnations, in many places or frequencies of existence. The experiences we had throughout our lifetimes have coded within our energy choices, events and situations we have encountered and have been a part of. While some of these experiences have brought knowledge, understanding and learning, some of them have not been harmonic. We are carrying energetically the memory of our existence within ourselves. 

The Soul Harmonic Blueprint Activation is a metaphysical and energetic process which re-establishes the direct flow of Source energy within our consciousness, as per the original harmonic blueprint we hold since the beginning of our journey through time. This original coding is a deeply harmonic one, as it has been directly projected by Source. 

Activating the Soul Harmonic Blueprint is the beginning of Source healing, recalibration and harmonization of consciousness through the energetic memory codings we hold, while progressively re-establishing the pure Source flow of information throughout our eternal self. 

The activation session is a 45-60 minutes long journey of energy work, healing and support, done online through video-call. 

During the activation session you will be supported, guided and sustained with the activation and harmonization of your Divine Soul Blueprint, while receiving the help necessary to anchor this high frequency of knowledge, love and peace throughout your human energy field, mind, body and Soul. 

This life changing experience has important effects within all aspects of your human life, as well as for yourself as a Soul, beyond lifetime incarnations. 

We welcome you wholeheartedly! 

*After your purchase of activation, you will be contacted to schedule the live online session. 

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Our Souls are the core essence of our consciousness in human form. As Souls, we are expressions of the essence we have individualized from Source. 

Throughout our existence through time and space we may have had different lifetimes, different incarnations, in many places or frequencies of existence. The experiences we had throughout our lifetimes have coded within our energy choices, events and situations we have encountered and have been a part of. While some of these experiences have brought knowledge, understanding and learning, some of them have not been harmonic. We are carrying energetically the memory of our existence within ourselves. 

The Soul Harmonic Blueprint Activation is a metaphysical and energetic process which re-establishes the direct flow of Source energy within our consciousness, as per the original harmonic blueprint we hold since the beginning of our journey through time. This original coding is a deeply harmonic one, as it has been directly projected by Source. 

Activating the Soul Harmonic Blueprint is the beginning of Source healing, recalibration and harmonization of consciousness through the energetic memory codings we hold, while progressively re-establishing the pure Source flow of information throughout our eternal self. 

The activation session is a 45-60 minutes long journey of energy work, healing and support, done online through video-call. 

During the activation session you will be supported, guided and sustained with the activation and harmonization of your Divine Soul Blueprint, while receiving the help necessary to anchor this high frequency of knowledge, love and peace throughout your human energy field, mind, body and Soul. 

This life changing experience has important effects within all aspects of your human life, as well as for yourself as a Soul, beyond lifetime incarnations. 

We welcome you wholeheartedly! 

*After your purchase of activation, you will be contacted to schedule the live online session. 

Our Souls are the core essence of our consciousness in human form. As Souls, we are expressions of the essence we have individualized from Source. 

Throughout our existence through time and space we may have had different lifetimes, different incarnations, in many places or frequencies of existence. The experiences we had throughout our lifetimes have coded within our energy choices, events and situations we have encountered and have been a part of. While some of these experiences have brought knowledge, understanding and learning, some of them have not been harmonic. We are carrying energetically the memory of our existence within ourselves. 

The Soul Harmonic Blueprint Activation is a metaphysical and energetic process which re-establishes the direct flow of Source energy within our consciousness, as per the original harmonic blueprint we hold since the beginning of our journey through time. This original coding is a deeply harmonic one, as it has been directly projected by Source. 

Activating the Soul Harmonic Blueprint is the beginning of Source healing, recalibration and harmonization of consciousness through the energetic memory codings we hold, while progressively re-establishing the pure Source flow of information throughout our eternal self. 

The activation session is a 45-60 minutes long journey of energy work, healing and support, done online through video-call. 

During the activation session you will be supported, guided and sustained with the activation and harmonization of your Divine Soul Blueprint, while receiving the help necessary to anchor this high frequency of knowledge, love and peace throughout your human energy field, mind, body and Soul. 

This life changing experience has important effects within all aspects of your human life, as well as for yourself as a Soul, beyond lifetime incarnations. 

We welcome you wholeheartedly! 

*After your purchase of activation, you will be contacted to schedule the live online session.